Here at Slots Play Casinos, we have covered the advantages gamers have playing at online casinos in numerous articles. Here we would like to delve deeper than usual into the obvious convenience of online casino gaming.

Online Casino Gaming is Realistic
When you play at an online casino, you should set limits for yourself. These limits are a framework for your casino gaming. We urge gamers to set time and money limits on themselves.
Land-based casinos exist in a fairy tale world where volcanoes explode. When a person travels to a land-based casino, or to a hub of many such casinos such as Las Vegas, they purposely take themselves out of reality.
This is not always a bad thing. We do the same when we take our families to a big-time amusement park. The big difference is that land-based casinos want you to gamble the hours away. They do everything you can to keep you on the casino floor. One way is to provide free alcohol. Another way is to provide free meals at the buffet.
How Do These Gifts Change the Reality of Land-based Casinos?
Alcohol changes inhibitions. It directly alters our sense of reality. We wonder how much money has been bet on really bad bets by players who were inebriated just enough with free alcohol to not know what they were doing.
Free buffet meals work in a different way. When people go to a buffet, they tend to overeat. At a casino, they then come back to the casino floor and play some more. Their body would rather rest but they are at the casino for just a couple of days so they are going to gamble no matter what.
The digestive process makes them too tired to fully see reality for itself. Just as with free alcohol, we wonder how much has been bet on a single number in roulette by people who are half asleep after that big buffet meal.
Online Casinos Emphasize Gaming while Land-based Casinos Emphasize Gambling
People gamble in a sense quite a lot. Here we mean taking chances or accepting risks not knowing how it will end up. But in most cases, people don’t say that they are gambling when they accept these risks.
People just getting married are all optimistic about their future together. Their parents and friends are happy for them. We suspect that very few pastors at the altar tell the new couple that they are gambling with their futures by getting married.
When people buy a house, they never know what is in store for them in the house. A house is a huge risk but people rejoice when they move in that they bought a giant risk; they say that they bought a house.
When people invest money, they are gambling on the future of that investment whether it is stock in a company or any other kind of investment. But very few people will say that they are gambling in the stock market or real estate market. They say that they are investing in the stock market or real estate market.
Playing casino games for real money is certainly a form of gambling. But online casinos emphasize fun and entertainment. Online casinos are available all the time so they don’t try to get gamers to play their casino games for hours on end. Land-based casinos, on the other hand, need the people who are at the casino for a few hours or a couple of days to stay on the casino floor for hours on end.
In this crucial sense, online casinos emphasize gaming as in playing games while land-based casinos, even though they also use the term gaming, are really emphasizing gambling.
No One will Hit on You at an Online Casino
Although land-based casinos will tell you that they escort people who have had too much to drink and are bothering other players out of the casino, they really want players to be somewhat inebriated while they are playing. That is the purpose of the free alcohol.
The bothersome behavior that may not get someone kicked out to a land-based casino may be an excessively long stare; it might be an unintentional intentional bumping into; it might be starting an unwanted conversation with someone else’s partner. You could complain about this but it will just get the offending person a warning.
Now, you might receive a romantic gesture from your significant other when you play at an online casino. This may happen whether you are playing alone or playing with said significant other. These overtures are usually acceptable and fun.
Online Casinos Offer Bonuses while Land-based Casinos Offer Alcohol
Here we are back lamenting that land-based casinos offer free alcohol in an effort to keep people on the casino floor gambling. Online casinos offer bonuses because they can.
The reason online casinos can offer bonuses is because every bonus comes with a wagering requirement that a gamer has to complete before they can withdraw winnings. The wagering requirement prevents people from cashing out as soon as their account is credited with a bonus.
Land-based casinos cannot offer bonuses because players there want to cash out when it is time for them to leave and go back home.
This is significant because bonuses enhance the fun of online casino gaming. Every good online casino has a big Welcome Package that is worth up to a couple of thousand dollars in bonuses. Most new gamers at an online casino, take a lot less than the maximum bonus offered but they can still have a lot of fun playing with the casino’s own money.
Online Casinos Publish a Blog
This is an undervalued aspect of online casinos. These blogs may be called News or some other name but they are articles that help gamers enjoy online casino gaming more.
It is not unusual for an online casino to have over 500 published articles! The information gamers receive in these articles is invaluable.
The same is true, of course, at Slots Play Casinos. We try to publish helpful and informative articles for gamers. The articles section here is an essential part of our commitment to our readers, to keep you all informed about online casino gaming.