September 1, 2021 by

SPC Advises Gamers in the Coronavirus Era

If there is any way for an online casino watchdog such as Slots Play Casinos to describe the last year and a half it would be that the casino world is “in a state of flux”. This is mostly the doing of the nasty coronavirus but the virus is not the only factor involved in the flux we are experiencing.

There is also a natural process at work here. We will talk a bit about the coronavirus effect on casino gaming and a bit about the natural effect that was already at work well before the virus became virile. Then we will offer a few tips to casino gamers both online and land-based.

Corona Directed Many Gamers to Online Casinos

This was a major event in casino gaming generally. As land-based casinos were forced to close for reasons of public safety, many gamers came to online casinos to satisfy their casino gaming itch.

Slots Play Casinos served a great benefit to these gamers since we already had many casino and game reviews from which many gamers could get the information they needed to make good gaming decisions.

Gamers Came to Appreciate Online Casinos More

People who were already online casino gamers already understood the many advantages online gaming had over land-based casinos. The gamers who had to find an alternative to land-based casino gaming “discovered” online casinos and quickly developed a strong appreciation of the comfort and convenience online casinos gave them.

Online Casinos Grow in a Natural Process

Long before the coronavirus hit, online casinos were taking gamers away from land-based casinos. Online casinos will continue to grow and to convince gamers that online casinos can provide almost all of the excitement they generally felt at land-based casinos.

In fact, the only disadvantage of online casinos is that there aren’t other people around for the most part. Online gaming can be romantic with your significant other, but for people who genuinely like and crave that land-based casino vibe, land-based casinos will be their go-to place to play! Still, these players will find themselves playing casino games mostly online since it is so accessible, comfortable, and convenient!

Given the ongoing nature of the virus and of the growth of online casinos in general, what tips can we give gamers to make their gaming more enjoyable?

Tip #1: Stay Close to Home

Casino aficionados who used to go to land-based casinos a few times a year usually went to the giant centers of land-based casinos, Las Vegas and Atlantic City. Since the casinos in these places were always facing stiff competition from their neighbors, gamers could get good deals for a long weekend at the casino including cheap hotel accommodations, free meals, and possibly a ticket to the show.

These days, we recommend that land-based casino gamers stay close to home. If you can, get a few friends to drive to a close-by casino for a one-day casino excursion.

Land Based Casinos Have “Gotten Smaller”

The main reason why we make this recommendation is that land-based casinos have not yet fully come back from the coronavirus pandemic. All land-based casinos are charged by their governmental regulatory boards to do everything they can to maintain social distancing within the casino.

That means that there is a lot more open space on the casino floor, there are fewer games to play, fewer options for table games, and generally a less exciting gaming environment.

It’s Hard to Strike up a Friendship from Six Feet Away

Gamers who loved the camaraderie around the craps and roulette tables, even granting that the camaraderie was short-lived, now cannot get that sane feeling as the casinos impose or at least try to impose some social distancing around these tables.

It May Take a Long Time for Land-Based Casinos to Fully Recover

What it all means is that a land-based casino trip is not anywhere close to what it once was. So, get a few friends together for a short trip to a local casino and use your longer vacation time to take a trip unconnected to casinos in any way.

We have long advocated for online casinos and this is one of the biggest reasons why: online casinos provide all the gaming a person might want and that leaves time for gamers to travel in the autumn looking at the multi-colored leaves, in the winter to winter sports havens, in the spring to smell the sweet blossoms, and in the summer to soak up the sun!

Tip #2: Setting a Time Limit on Gaming is More Important Now than Ever

One of the things observers have noticed is that when people turn to online casinos during periods of strict lockdowns, there is a strong temptation to play casino games far longer than is mentally and psychologically healthy.

We have always advocated for setting reasonable time limits as well as realistic monetary limits on online gaming since it is available every day and at all times. Why play for hours today when a gamer can spread his or her gaming time over a period of days or even weeks?

Tip #3: Find Many other Areas of Interest

Especially during lockdowns, which may become a lot more frequent as this coronavirus mutates again and again, or another virus appears that is at least as debilitating as covid, we may experience many small lockdowns. How can people fill all that “free time” at home without online gaming?

  1. Go back to reading! You can read books or magazines. You can read highbrow stuff or pulp fiction.  The idea is that reading is a great and not expensive pastime.
  2. Listen to great music. William Buckley Jr. once extolled the virtues of capitalism by saying that for ten dollars a person could listen to Beethoven’s symphonies for ten years!
  3. Learn to play a musical instrument. An hour practicing piano, guitar, or any other instrument can be a lot healthier than yet another hour at the casino.
  4. Become an amateur chef. Use a cookbook or an online recipe and make exotic, ethnic foods. Again, an hour spent in the kitchen preparing food for your family or friends is better than yet another hour gaming.
  5. Learn to brew your own beer. There are many home brewing kits around. You can learn to make many different kinds of beer at home! Remember to drink your home brewed beer after gaming!
  6. Appreciate the therapeutic nature of activity. It is so much healthier to be active. Casino gaming certainly has a place in the pantheon of available activities. Healthy gaming comes when you have many activities that you enjoy.

Slots Play Casinos Continues to Lookout for Your Gaming Interests

Here at Slots Play Casinos, we have not stopped looking at the casino world! We still review games and online casinos and we publish articles that we hope can help casino gamers keep everything in its proper perspective.

We hope that you will continue to read Slots Play Casinos’ reviews and articles going forward!

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David is our amateur economist and political philosopher, weather enthusiast, killer Sudoku fan, and best darn game analyst we've found.

In the twenty or so years since graduating college David has completely changed his gaming practices. Where once he played mostly video games with the occasional swing at blackjack at land-based casinos, David switched course and became a regular Sudoku player. David says that he likes the intellectual challenge of solving difficult problems.

Since he began playing Sudoku in earnest, David has ... [Read David Connor full bio]