March 24, 2024 by

Enjoy the Best Online Slots Tournaments

Most online casinos offer slots tournaments.  Some casinos will run several online slot tournaments at the same time.  Here at Slots Play Casinos we say that online slots tournaments are a great way to enjoy playing slots at little or no cost to the gamer at all.

An online casino can vary the length of time the tournament will run so online casinos can offer a day-long tournament alongside a tournament for a few days, a week, or even a month.

Clearly, a land-based casino, if it wants to offer a slots tournament at all, will be limited to a single day or when players have come for three days spanning a weekend.

Online Casinos Benefit by Offering Slot Tournaments

Online casinos are open and available around the clock every day.  Many land-based casinos, primarily local standalone casinos, close late at night.  Online casinos do not need every gamer to provide revenue in order for the casino to show a profit and stay in business.  A land-based casino does need every player to “contribute” revenue as much as possible.

Therefore, when an online casino offers a slots tournament, it is providing very inexpensive gaming to players with the hope that these players will become regular players at the casino.  A land-based casino has a much more changeable clientele.  A player who might have enjoyed a tournament one day may not come back to the land-based casino for many months, possibly years, or may never come back to that casino!

How Many Terminals Does a Land-based Casino Have?

Land-based casinos have another major disadvantage in offering slots tournaments.  These casinos have a limited number of terminals in any slot.  They may have ten terminals of a favorite slot but even that number is way too few to sponsor a slots tournament.

The casino would then have to limit players at each terminal and the organizing headache would be too much for the casino to deal with.

Thousands of Slot Games

Instant Play gives gamers the chance to go from one casino to another easily.  Instant Play allows gamers to play the games at an online casino directly on the gamer’s internet server.  The need to download a casino no longer applies if the casino has Instant Play software.

Any online casino that does not yet have Instant Play software is either a very new casino in the process of getting the Instant Play software or an online casino that is not long for cyberspace!

Tournaments Used to Be Only at a Downloaded Casino

In terms of online slot tournaments, Instant Play gives gamers the chance to play slots from several or even many game providers at little cost.  It has become good business practice for an online casino to offer slots tournaments as a way to attract new long-term gamers.

This is especially true of online casinos that feature games from the less well-known game providers.  A new or newish game provider wants as much exposure for its games as possible.  Having online casinos offer gamers the chance to play these providers’ slots at low cost is a great way for the provider to show off its wares.

A gamer who found a slot from a new provider enjoyable might join an online casino that features that provider’s games in order to see if the gamer likes the other games offered by that provider.

Tips for Playing Online Slots Tournaments

Slots Play Casinos here provides a few good tips for slots enthusiasts especially relating to slots tournaments but not exclusively so.

  1. Join a number of online casinos so you can play tournaments at more than one venue.
  2. Play for the fun of it rather than to win the prize pool since the pool will likely be pretty small.
  3. Avoid slots tournaments with high pay-in fees.
  4. It is okay to play fast in a slots tournament even as we recommend playing slowly in regular gaming.
  5. Continue to establish and maintain a reasonable gaming session time even though you will not win the tournament if you play for, say, 60 minutes while others are playing for many hours.
  6. Look for tournaments that employ slots with features you like such as characterizations and color.

The Bottom Line on Slots Tournaments

These tournaments give gamers the chance to play just for the fun of it.  This is also the value that we endorse here at Slots Play Casinos.  Fun is the reason we support online casino gaming even as we readily acknowledge the enduring attraction of land-based casinos.

Since we propose gaming at online casinos over land-based casinos we would like to finish this discussion mainly about slots tournaments with a very short review of why we think online casinos are a better venue for casino gaming than land-based casinos and how we can see these distinctions clearly through slots tournament gaming.

Tournaments Emphasize Fun

Players at land-based casinos have the tendency to play for too long a time; to bet too much money; to try to recoup losses; to play when they are tired, hungry, or otherwise in need of a rest; to drink too much whisky; to come back to the casino after a big meal at the buffet and to play even as their bodies are trying to digest the meal and, therefore, making them too drowsy to make good decisions; and, finally, to play slots for long periods of time making bets on every spin.

In a slots tournament, gamers can also play for a long time if they choose to but they do not bet on every spin.  This makes the gaming as fun as it can be since there is almost no risk involved.

Online Casinos Incur No Travel Costs

When we suggest setting up a fair gaming budget, we are suggesting that a gamer treat online casino gaming like a form of entertainment.  Just as we would decide how many concerts or theater shows we can afford to go to, so should we decide how much money we can budget for gaming.

Travelling to a land-based casino puts a wrench in this highly responsible activity.  It simply costs too much to travel to and stay at a land-based casino to make it monetarily worthwhile unless a gamer can truly afford to do so.

Let Slots Play Casinos Inform You

We track and follow the casino market focusing primarily on online casinos.  Slots tournaments are one of the happiest ways an online casino can deliver fun and entertainment at a low cost to gamers.  Land-based casinos cannot match this convergence of fun and entertainment.

For much more information on all things online casino…


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Laurie Renfield has been part of the casino scene for both print and virtual media outlets for over two decades. Renfield's research focuses on both land-based casino entertainment and online casino gambling. She is dedicated to making sure that, regardless of where a player decides to compete, they'll achieve the best gambling experience and the most satisfying rewards.

Renfield's mantra for articles to share with our readers is to pick the most relevant and critical subjects for readers to ... [Read Laurie Renfield full bio]